Insurance Blog Week in Review – January 15-21, 2012

News about insurance related issues moves pretty fast. Every week, there are fourteen different posts on the Insurance Blog. You may have overlooked, or missed, something that you really would have liked to read. The Insurance Blog Week in Review can help you “ketchup”. The ASPCA Sells Pet Insurance Do you need affordable pet insurance? The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has some options for you. The Insurance Podcast Roundup for the week went up on January 16, 2012. Insurers Say Sleep Lab Tests Are Overprescribed More doctors are prescribing an overnight stay at … Continue reading

Cost of Care Announces Contest Winners

We have all heard frightening stories about how someone’s trip to the hospital led to a large medical bill, or to other insurance related problems. A group called Cost of Care did a contest where they asked people to share their stories. They recently announced the winners. Cost of Care is a non-profit organization that believes that doctors should understand how the decisions they make impacts what patients end up being required to pay. They are backed by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts and by the Harvard Pilgrim Health Plan. They want doctors to have the information about the … Continue reading

What if Hotels Billed Like Health Insurance?

Usually, when you purchase a product, or buy a service, you know ahead of time what it will cost. This is not the case with health insurance, or health care. Cost of Care put together a video that emphasizes just how ridiculous this system of billing is, and how it affects consumers. Health insurance is expensive. Part of the reason why is because health care is expensive. Another reason has to do with the complex and confusing way that health providers generate a bill. The bill then filters through a person’s health insurance company, and this usually makes things even … Continue reading